Name and Title: Drte.Ruth Mujica, Founder and CEO of Docentes 2.0

School or Organization Name: Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.

Co-Presenter Name(s): Ruth Mujica

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Sultanate of Oman

Language in Which You Will Present: Spanish

Target Audience(s): Higher Education" strand, use "2019HigherEd”


Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Information and communication technologies (ICT) at the present time have taken a leading role in society, which are indispensable in the pedagogical field. This research was carried out in the educational platform Docentes 2.0, in order to propose recommendations to promote the platform. In the methodology, indicators of the e-Learning platform were defined in three dimensions: organizational, functional and pedagogical. In addition, historical records were analyzed in the databases of the platform. Through this research, a low rate of use of e-Learning platforms by teachers was detected, however, there was a total acceptance of existing platforms by their users.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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  • Co-Chair

    Edits to your proposal need to be made by Wednesday, November 10th at 12 PM Noon CST or UTC/GMT-5 if you still would like to be considered for this conference. After this date and time, we will not be accepting any further proposals for the 2019 conference. Email Lucy Gray at when you are ready for your proposal to be reviewed again.  

  • Co-Chair

    Thank you for your proposal. Please review our mission and consider editing your proposal to reflect ties to our focus: We are not a general education conference nor an ICT conference; all proposals must have some international component that is clearly referenced in the proposal. You may want to look at accepted proposals to see some examples:

    Let me know when you've made changes to your proposal, and I'll review it again.

    Thank you,

    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair

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