I'm hoping to get some help promoting EdcampMumbai on October 26, 2013 at Oberoi International School in Mumbai, India. Edcamps are free unconferences for educators, and this will be the first Edcamp in India!

Edcamp is unlike any other professional development experience. First, there is NO SET SCHEDULE until the morning of the event. As attendees arrive, they can post topics to the empty session board. Second, you get to CHOOSE what sessions you want to attend based on YOUR interests.  If the topic doesn’t apply to you, or you don’t enjoy the session, YOU CAN LEAVE and choose a different one.

Edcamp is unique because the sessions are led by colleagues in the field and based around universal topics in education. It is also a wonderful model to bring to your school for future professional development. This chance to network in an informal arena will allow you to build a community of like-minded colleagues with whom you can brainstorm and learn. You are guaranteed to learn something new, make a new friend, and receive information that you can immediately apply in your classroom and professional life.

Website: edcampmumbai.org

Twitter: @edcampmumbai

Organizers: @KarenBlumberg and @RekhaPuriNYC

Sponsors: @LINEglobal and the Oberoi International School


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