Your Name and Title: Baluku Hannington Gift, Vice Chairperson
School or Organization Name: Masindi Health Development Program (MHDP)
Co-Presenter Name(s): Dr. Baluku Daniel Masindi, Executive Director
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Ntoroko District, Western Uganda
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Mothers, Children, Teachers, Health Professionals & Non-For Profit Organizations
Session Strand (use the “tag”): "2019SDGs
Short Session Description (one line): Integration of Early Reading Education 21 and Prenatal care (safe motherhood interventions).
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Providing learning, education and good health interventions through collaborating with the parents, children, teachers’ Network, education department and other stake holders. This will improve early reading, children will start school when they are healthy and can be able to read, study effectively. Services will be extended nearer to the people.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will understand that Early reading is an alternative way of reading which eliminates dyslexia and has children reading when they start primary.
- The presentation will help participants understand how access to high quality health promotion interventions for mothers, children & their family will promote and ensure sustainability of Learning Process.
- Community Development Non-For Profit Organizations will identify the need for partnership and collaboration with us towards execution of Education and Good Health, well-being for all, realizing the SDGs 3&4.
What we do
Masindi Health Development Program (MHDP) is a community based organization, provides prenatal- safe motherhood services; Antenatal care, safe maternal deliveries, HIV counselling & testing, Psycho-social support to OVC. This is integrated with advocacy for access to education opportunity for the community of Ntoroko district, Western Uganda.
Masindi Health Development Program (MHDP) has established Centers where early reading is being exercised. The parents are also learning how to read. They also engage in saving and credit to improve their income. Early reading is an alternative way of reading which eliminates dyslexia and has children reading when they start primary, bringing mothers, teachers, health-workers together to come up with other socio-economic interventions. The integration of Early Reading Education 21 with safe motherhood interventions will enable children, mothers to grow and stay health with the capacity to perform well, attend and concentrate much on academic tasks, learning, and less of concentration on treatment of illness. This will attract collaborative community development partners towards executive of education and health promotion measures towards achievement of The Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs 3 &4 in the community of Ntoroko district, Western Uganda.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Everyone is invited to join our Peace Flame by registering at
Enabling Support Foundation:
Masindi Health Development Program (MHDP)
Dear Baluku,
Thank you for your second proposal. Again, please elaborate on your presentation objectives. Are you looking to tell the story of your work so that other NGOs can learn from your work? Are you looking for partners? Are you primarily discussing the results of your work and research? Any elaboration on outcomes for the attendees would be helpful.
Thank you
we are looking forward to elaborate who we are, our purpose in community service. We are looking for partners to execute our community services too!!!.
Thankyou for the advise on our Proposal. We have added the needful.
Kind Regards....
Baluku Hannington Gift, BSc. Nursing Sciences KIU-WC
Vice Chairperson, Masindi Health Development Program (MHDP)
Ntoroko District, Western Uganda.