How to Participate in Our Community

Formerly known as the Global Education Conference Network, Actionable Innovations Global is a collaborative, inclusive, worldwide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. Our activities are designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all. 

Please join this community to receive updates about our events!

Here are some tips for getting involved in our community:


Additional Tips

  • Make sure your profile is complete. We recommend that you use your name and list your organization or school in the Organization field. Click My Page in the navigation bar at the top of this page to see your profile.
  • Take a look at our mission statement so that you understand the purpose of this community.
  • There is a great deal of content beyond the front page of our community. Check out all the discussionsblogsgroups, and events posted created by members around the world.
  • We love social media!  Find out about other ways you can connect with GEC members by clicking on More in the navigation bar. Follow the hashtag #globaled22 for the latest news. 
  • If you're looking to get people involved in your work or project, post a discussion forum post with as much detail as possible about your project.
    • The most effective classroom projects include a start and end date, educational objectives, expectations for participating schools, and mechanisms for communicating consistently with participants.
    • Be aware that schools in different hemispheres may start and end their school years on different dates.

Community Reminders

Please respect our membership and post thoughtfully. By no means are overtly commercial postings welcome, unless there is a direct tie to a topic posted in the online discussions. Spamming is not tolerated, and if there is any question about the intentions of a member, suspension from the network will result. If you have questions, please contact Lucy Gray at 

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