Terry Heick, Director of Curriculum 


School or Organization Name: TeachThought


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Louisville, Kentucky


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Teachers, Administrators, Curriculum Developers, Policy Makers


Short Session Description: A series of tips clarifying what globalization can mean for a curriculum.


Full Session Description: The call has been on for years now to "globalize" nearly everything for our now always-on, always-connected planet. However, there has been precious little clarification here, usually sample projects or well-intentioned rhetoric. While this presentation does not intend to provide a full framework for enacting such the process of globalizing (something that is--and should continue to be, deeply subjective and personal), it does provide a handful of tips to get started grasping this vague concept, hopefully clarifying how to begin establishing one's own learning pathway.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: www.teachthought.com

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