
  • we have audiovisuals in class. we have a virtual class room where the entire syllabus, objectives and aims of a lesson is stored. the teacher introduces the lesson, then uses the computer to show illustrations and findings, conducts activities in the class and then uses the computer for recap. students find it very interesting. we have started it in a small way for science and math only for classes 3 and 6.
  • this is the first time to add in discussion in GEC IM FROM EGYPT so what tools can use communication technology in classroom for elementary students and useful fro this stage
  • Although I work in a relatively progressive public school district, our students are not permitted to use their personal technology on our network, or in the classroom. With that said, we do have a lot of technology available to them. I have a 1:1 classroom which allows me to have students use laptops all of the time. My classroom "on the web" is set up on Ning. Furthermore, my school has provided all secondary students with their own email accounts. Consequently, my students are constantly using communication technology.

    Regularly, my students read the e-edition of our local newspaper, or an article on MeeHive, and post a response to their blog on the Ning. Periodically, I require students to read each others' blog posts and comment on them. However, quite often, I "catch" them doing this on their own. Furthermore, outside of school, students are drawn to the Ning and have started their own Groups where they communicate on a variety of topics all of the time. For the occasional classroom video, we've used Today'sMeet to backchannel a discussion. While not all students like this, many found it as a means to ask questions during the video, and receive answers immediately. Others claim it helped them focus on the content. And, in my attempts to collaborate globally, I have used ePals to make a connection with another class in Europe. However, the effort to make this connection was time-consuming and difficult, as well as less than satisfying for my students. Consequently, I am looking for other avenues in which I am able to do this.

    Right now, my students spend some time each week collaborating using Zoho Chat with other students who are taking the same course in our high school. All of the students have been researching social issues of interest to them. They are beginning to communicate with each other about the information they have learned from their research, and how as groups who have similar interests, they can become part of the solution. Soon, each student will email several experts within the field of their issue to gain more information. In some way, my students are using technology to communicate with "someone" in or out of their educational setting.
  • I am a math teacher on the secondary level. Currently I allow my students to communicate with me via email to obtain homework assignments when they are absent. I have found this to be beneficial so my students do not fall behind with their assignments.
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