Spanish speaking teens?

I am searching for a group of Spanish speaking students to team up with a class from Maine, USA in a Ning network (just got it approved without ads). The students are between 15 - 17 years old and hope to exchange culture, language and ideas through blogs and forums. Kind of a social network class "pen-pal" project. Isn't there anyone out there interested?

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  • Sharon,

    I would like to explore this. I teach small groups of college Spanish (beginning and intermediate). Your groups may be too big for me (mine have 10-15 students).

    Let me know if you think it could work.
    • This would be great, Adolfo. I will email you privately with further information.
  • Update on our project.
    (Taking Learning Global)
    is ready to begin after the new year. We are open to any teens (with their teachers) for collaboration on topics about teen-culture, teen-experiences and more. Would you like to join us? If so, please let me know.
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