Collabortive Projects

Hello I represent a senior secondary school in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, India that aims at providing its students and staff an opportunity to enrich their international understanding. We continuously motivate our students to connect with the schools abroad and work on collaborative projects for better understanding of the real world. I wanted to know if there are any sites where we can create monitored accounts of students like in epals where first messages are approved by the teacher and then sent or recieve by the students.Or if there are sites where good online or survey based collaborative projects are there.

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  • Greetings from Hobart Tasmania, Australia,
    I am currently conducting a podcasting project with students which we are then planning to place on our wiki server at school. To date students are in the process of preparing ten questions to ask of a member of the community about their particular career and how they came to choose their vocation. We would love to have a range of careers included to publish with the view to providing students in the final years of high school a place to visit to here about different jobs they may be thinking of pursuing.

    If you have an ipod and microphone and the inclination to have your students conduct an interview with someone in an interesting career... might be their parent then please contact me so we might work together in getting the podcasts published to share with students.

    I look forward to hearing from any one interested. Here is the link to the first podcast we have completed with our Minister for Education in Tasmania where he was asked by one of my Year 10 students about his choice of politics as a career.

    Best wishes,

    Peter Lelong
    • Peter,
      I teach an 8th grade class in Exploring Technology in Nebraska, USA. It is a 9 week course within which I typically assign one project where they interview someone about their career... (specifically the technology involved in it). I would love to have my students listen to your podcasts and contribute theirs to your site. If this is what you had in mind or if there is any other brainstorm you have on collaborating on a project such as this, then I am game!
      Katie Morrow
      Nebraska, USA
  • I live in Lake Worth, Florida and the schol is in Delray Beach, Florida...both close to West Palm Beach
    • I would love to work with your daughters class but right now I'm working on a global project and we need classes in other countries. This is a global assignment for my educational technology class. After this project I will have to work on other collaborative projects that I will have more freedom with. I will keep your name in my references for the future if you don't mind.
  • Hello, I was wondering if you would know of a teacher who teachers somewhere between kindergarten through 3rd grade that would be willing to work with us. It is a project where they share with us some facts about their lives. Please let me know. I am a library teacher for k-1 and I have another teacher who teaches 2nd. You can have them e-mail me at Thank you for your help. I have put out the message to the other teachers at our schools.

    Teri Polis
    Cold Spring Harbor
    New York, USA
    • Dear Teri,

      My name is Jeremy Guerin, and I am a Canadian ESL teacher working for the Korean Government on the island of Jeju-Do. I am currently completing my Masters of Education, and my current course involves implementing new technologies within my classroom.

      I have already contacted another member of this board, Jen Kern, concerning some form of collaboration, but have yet to hear from her. Truth be told, her post was almost a year old, so I believe the chances of her contacting me are slim.

      That being said, I currently have a low level elementary class (about twelve students) at about the third grade Korean level, but with minimal English skills. I think they would be very excited about the prospect of meeting foreign children in cyberspace. However, this would need to be a very basic exercise, as they have only been studying about six months.

      What did you have in mind, Teri? I admit to not being a prolific user of technology, but am keen to learn more. We have access to a computer lab, so please contact me at your leisure to discuss options and opportunities if you are interested in some form of collaboration.


      Jeremy N. Guerin
      • Dear Jeremy,

        I just thought of another project that you might be interested in. I took my students on a journey to other countries through books. It was called "Passport to Stories Around the World". I briefly introduced the country and then read them a folktale from that country. Afterwards, they would draw a picture about that book. I put it together as a passport.

        To use technology, I introduced a web 2.0 tool called Mixbook (found at easy to use) to put together a photo album of their project. I teach Library so I have 8 first grade classes and assigned each class one country that they were to be experts on (briefly). Then they put together a mixbook with the facts that they learned along with the pictures they drew for that countries folktale book.

        I am in the middle of this project but you can go to this link: to see a sample one that I put together. It will show up as a movie but if you click below it then you can see it as a full display photo album.

        My first class did their's on Friday and loved it. I had them give me the info they learned and I will type it in since I don't have the convienence of time or a lab at this time. They dragged in their pictures and others.

        Now, what I would love is if you had your class share a mixbook with us about your country in the same basic way so I could share it with my class. The resources I had were limited for your country. We only had our "My First Atlas" and the "World Book Student Encyclopedia".

        This would be great. Let me know.

        Teri Polis
      • Dear Jeremy,

        Wow, you are the first person to respond to me that has young students. I am working on a project in my Educational Technology program that I am going to use with my first grade students. I know that it needs to be basic so we are creating a simple webquest now. But I think it would be great to work with your students. As soon as it is finished I will let you know.

        When does your school year take a break for the summer? I am not sure but is Jeju-Do in Korea? What is the time zone difference between us? Well, I was thinking of having my students (with the help of their parents) fill out a questionaire about themselves and things they like to do. Then we will make an informative voice thread to help children in other countries learn about how we live here, like a day in the life... type of video. That way they can talk instead of write, which is hard at this age. I thought it would be great if we could find children in other countries to also share this project. This is the project that we are doing to round off the webquest where they learn about other cultures.

        If you are interested in working with me you can e-mail me at You can check out Voicethread at It is easy to use, all you need is a microphone to record the students and the pictures to put in it.

        Teri Polis
    • My daughter is in first grade, so I will ask her teacher if she would be willing to work with you.
      • That's great Kim. Where do you live?
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