Whales and Whaling

We are looking for primary schools interested in learning and sharing with us. We are hoping to find schools on all the continents. Are you interested in the following questions? Do you have some questions for us? 1. What was it like where you live in the 1800's --we can compare and contrast 2. We would love to know about your traditions, whaling stories and legends. Do you have any songs, sea shanties, traditional songs about whales/whaling? 3. We are learning about what whales meant to our community. What have whales meant to the your community? 4. Do your children speak a native language? 5. What type of whales do/did you have?

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  • Hi Valerie, I just now saw this post - I am sure that next year I could dig up a class for you that would love to join in this project. I know it is too late for this year - but let me know if you want to get this going next year. JB
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