
New Ning Features

Last night I experimented with a couple of new Ning features: Notes and Events. I still don't really get Notes; it seems just like the Text feature, which lets ning managers add text boxes. The event feature, though, is a nice addition in that you can invite people to various activities and people can respond. I sent out an invitation to my 400 of my "friends" in all nings about the WOW2 podcast, and I should have disabled the RSVP as it's reallly not necessary. I just used my "friends" as guinea pigs to see what this new event thing would do. That said, sorry for the extra email, and I do hope people will join the chat tonight as I think it's the GEC is not about me, but all of us collectively getting to know each other and figuring out ways to use technology for improved communication and education! Maybe I can post the archive of the talk here in the ning when it's up... that just occured to me!

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