Join the conversation kid-to kid with you social studies, world cultures, or world language class-- or simply to make your students more world-aware.


TeachersFirst has introduced XW1w, free and ad-free, to last indefinitely.


XW1W uses today's instant technologies to share answers to the same question across the world once a week. XW1W is a simple, social way for students to learn about real life in other cultures from real kids all across the world. By simply "hashtagging" Twitter or blog responses to a weekly question about daily life, students can share and learn about other cultures from their international peers. SChools and teachers unable to access Twitter can still participate.


Read the FAQ and join in now. See a related blog post about the way the day to day details of a culture reveal much more. XW1W shares your the culture through the details.

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  • Thanks for spreading the word. Give them a nudge to be catalysts! We continue to do the same.
  • Hi, I really like the idea! I just searched #xw1w on Twitter, but it seems there are not many reponses to this week's question (who is the oldest person in you family). I think only several replies from the same user. Do I miss something?
    • You are correct. The XW1W project was just announced by the non-profit teacher web site that is hosting/offering it around VAlentine's Day, and teachers have not gotten on board yet. The best way to get it started is to CONTRIBUTE by sharing something. If your class does not see enough responses during teh ramp up to greater participation, it might be interesting to ask them to HYPOTHESIZE what people in other lands might answer ...and why they think so.

      Hopefully, your students can be in the first wave to get XW1W moving. We know some teachers may be hesitant about the technologies until they try it. What better way to show them how it works than to post some responses?

      Thanks for the thoughtful question.

      • I see. Unfortunately I am not a teacher, but I just contributed my tweets:) will try my best to spread the idea to teachers I know.

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