Your Name and Title: Hery Yanto The
School or Organization Name: SMA Gembala Baik, Indonesia & University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Honolulu, HI, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All audiences
Short Session Description (one line): In this presentation, I would like to share my insights as well as my experiences on conducting educational action research.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
One of the popular research methods in education is action research. School teachers or university faculties can easily implement this research method. This research method can highly relate with their daily work. Therefore, they can implement the research while they are performing their jobs. In a simple way, a teacher can use one unit of the lesson and his/her class students as subject of an action research. Doing this research will value the teacher with experience in implementing academic work as well as analyzing their own performance.
Action research is an applicable research for educators. Teachers, who doing action research regularly, are not only contribute on improving his/her teaching practice but he/she also contribute on improving the assurance quality of their schools. Analyzing problems and planning improvement are two significant activities that a teacher can do from evaluating his/her action research project.
In the era of globalization, teachers want their students to be succeeded not only in their learning content area, but also in their future work and their live together with the society. Educational practice has developed awareness about the important of group works, collaboration, community of practice, and cross cultural understanding. The action research can be implemented to these processes which tight closely with the learning process happened. I will give an example of action research in collaboration that I have implemented.
In order to identify the school local based competency, my colleagues and I had to identify schools characteristics and potentiality. One that came in my head at the time we drafted the school local based competency improvement program is the different characteristics of ethnicity between student population and the teacher population. The majority students are Indonesian-Chinese (85%). On the other hand, the teachers are various in ethnicities. In the past several years, conflict between ethnicities in the area had become a crucial problem. The separation in community, lack of information about cultural identities, and weak tie between ethnicities were three main causes that we identified affect the conflict. The conflict has potential to be happened in the future if the young generations are remained the same living in the condition where separation cultural orientation dominant. We agreed for designing a new course named “Kalimantan Cultural & Custom” to give this young people, majority Indonesian-Chinese capabilities and experiences with other ethnicities culture. We conducted action research with spreading out questionnaires and did some interviews to obtain students ideas about the program before it was implemented. During the process, team teaching discussed and evaluated the process and used the past year strengthens and weaknesses identified to redesign and improve the course.
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