"The Global Natives' Education Network"  would love to have your support: 
Tell families with bright and curious kids about it !  Here is why:

Very likely you remember Jamie Oliver's famous "FEED ME BETTER" campaign? 
It changed the quality criteria of the food children eat at school and it did a lot for public awareness. Parental Pals' equivalent is the "GIVE ME PERSPECTIVES" appeal of SharedMindspace.Org and it works with great success for bright and curious teens. 

Healthy food should taste good to be a success and good education should inspire young brains to shift into top gear. The emotional, social and economic cost of letting our kids' health and talent go to waste is unacceptably high. We want our children to reach their potential with a smile on their face and we don't want bureaucratic laziness and long outdated systems to stop them!

"Shared Mindspace" gives real perspectives: it provides adolescents with a wide range of opportunities to see, learn and experience. Because for every kid who’s keen to know more and to look the world in the eye there is a peer with a curious mind who is ready to share. National and international partnerships between families exchanging their Haves and Wants create efficient, safe and affordable access to global education. Our job at ParentalPal.Org is to make great matches possible and create ideal synergies.
We are not looking for donations or investors (here is why: http://wp.me/pulyV-bn), our aim is to connect with families who want to connect with the world. To let others know about it please visit the project site http://SharedMindspace.Org and use the "Share" options to spread the word. 

Thank you kindly for your support, we are certain there will be genuine appreciation from your recipients too!  We shall cross the 100.000 members threshold by or before next spring, so the choice of inspiring and helpful partners is growing daily!

PS: For all educators, teachers, lecturers and others responsible for teaching - please feeel cordially invited to see if http://www.schoolpal.org holds an inspiration for you. Additionally, the Shared Mindspace program has a section dedicated to schools too: http://sharedmindspace.wordpress.com/schoolspace !

ParentalPal.Org is a social profit organization.

Web tip:  http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/jamie_oliver.html


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