Your Name and Title:

Ms. Alyyana Marie Reyes


School or Organization Name:

University of the Philippines College of Education


Co-Presenter Name(s):

Ms. Danielle Mei Veniegas


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:



Language in Which You Will Present:



Target Audience(s):

Teachers, students, and/or any individual all around the world who are looking for an effective way of teaching in early education.


Short Session Description (one line):

A breakdown on the role of the narrative in early education and how its potential as pedagogy can be expanded in the digital age.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like): 

This session seeks to expound on the nature of "children's literature" and how the narrative structure plays an important role in early education. It also seeks to propose ways in which educators can expand use of the narrative structure and maximize its potential, relative to globalization in the digital age.

The initial plan for the flow of our webinar will basically be this:

     I. Discuss how the narrative structure as pedagogical instrument aids cognitive development in early               education

     II. Expound on how we, as educators, can maximize the potential of this instrument using technology

           A. Tools - devices such as computers, iPads and such
           B. Content - culled fr the internet, stories w/o borders
           C. Method - immersing in a net-based storytelling community, interaction w/ the narrative

     III. The perks/value of using technology in introducing and familiarizing the child w/ the narrative                     structure.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: ; others are still to follow

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