Your Name and Title:Dr Kulari Lokuge Dona

School, Library, or Organization Name:School of Sustainable Futures, Swinburne University of Technology

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Country from Which You Will Present:Australia

Language in Which You Will Present:English

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.):teachers, educational designers, learning designers

Short Session Description (one line):

Facilitating education for disengaged, rural adult learners with online learning

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):

Many rural learners have not had great opportunities to continue with thier higher education due to various reasons. However in the recent times with the changing economic conditions many institutes are enrolling more and more adult learners. The adult learners are either students returning from the work force to education or rural learners who did not have opportunities due to various reasons, or learners entering higher education for the first time, as disengaged learners. With this new trend it is important to consider the adult learner's learning styles and how to facilitate adult learners. In this session, andragogy will be discussed in relation how as educators will investigate different adult learning styles, how to support these learners, build relationships with various educators to support rural and disengaged learners, especially adult learners. The project that will be discussed in this presentation addresses how online learning has assisted the adult learner to excel while attending to other responsibilities, and how different educational partners have come together to make the project a success.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Not sure how your proposal relates to our mission. Please use the required tags (Call for Proposals) and revise your presentation to reflect a correlation with our mission. We are not a technology or general education conference.  Revisions are due by midnight GMT-5, about 16 hours from how.

    Our Mission


    Lucy Gray

  • Co-Chair

    Not sure how this fits with the global emphasis and mission of the conference. If you'd like to be included, please revise accordingly. You also need to use the required tags as stated in the call for proposals.

    Call for Proposals

    Our Mission



    • Hi Lucy,

      I have updated the proposal, please review and let me know.


      • Co-Chair

        Hi Kulari -

        I appreciate your efforts and think that perhaps that this would be better suited to a general education conference. We're focused on global connections and collaborations with this event and I'm having difficulty seeing evidence of that in your proposal. Please  re-read the mission and let me know if you have any questions: Our Mission



    • Co-Chair

      Revisions are due by October 29, midnight GMT-5.


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