Your Name and Title: DR. L. Robert Furman Elementary Principal

School or Organization Name:  South Park School District

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Pittsburgh, PA USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers, PD, Principals

Short Session Description (one line):

Are You Future Ready? Improve Student Outcomes in 18 Weeks with the Future Ready Challenge.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

This session is based off the newest ISTE published book by Dr. Rob Furman. Are You Future Ready? 18 Challenges to increase student outcomes.  This presentation will discuss various ways to look at change and the necessary skills needed in the age of the digital revolution. In this session participants will discuss needed changes in the educational system. There will also be “challenges” offered to the participants as to ways to make incremental changes to their classroom or building.

Are You Future Ready? 18 Challenges to increase student outcomes.

  1. To have educators question their more traditional methods of teaching and reach for using digital age skills that will help our students in their future.
  2. To have teachers look at new challenges they could incorporate into their classroom to help students prepare for the age of the digital revolution.
  3. To have teachers discuss their thoughts, concerns and questions regarding the changing landscape of education.
  4. To have teachers reflect on their usage and desire to use modern technology and digital age skills

The session follows the new book by Dr. Rob. The activities will be based on the 18 challenges outlined in the book.These challenges are based on the digital age skills proposed through ISTE. These challenges will help students deal with any of the unknowns they will be dealing with in their own future.  Several of the challenges will be discussed and there is also an attitude survey that goes along with the session to provide teachers with a baseline attitude of digital age skills.

The need for change in education is paramount. We no longer live in the industrial revolution yet we continue to teach in that manner. This session helps to open the eyes of teachers and see what can be changed, with little effort, which will help our students achieve in their future. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Are you planning on editing this and having me review it again? If so, I need you to do this TODAY.

    Thank you,

    Lucy Gray Conference Co-Chair

  • Co-Chair

    Last call! If you are planning on editing your proposal and submitting it for review again, please do this by the end of business on Monday, November 6th. Let Lucy Gray at know if you make changes and want her to review your proposal again. 


  • Co-Chair

    Hi Rob,

    Thank you for your proposal! I'm glad to see that you've submitted a proposal. Is there a way that you can tie your work to our mission? Take a look: Perhaps there are global aspects to the Future Ready Challenge? Maybe the idea of global competence is included in the challenge? 

    Please edit your proposal and align it to our conference focus on globally connected teaching and learning. Use the OPTIONS button on your proposal page to do this. Once you've made edits, let me know and I'll review it again.


    Lucy Gray

    • I made a few changes. The idea of needing change in the educational system is certainly a global concern. Using the skills of tomorrow will help these students be better prepared. I hope this helps.

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