As part of a graduate course which I am taking, I need to compare the educational system of the United States to those in other countries.  I would like to hear from educators in other countries to learn about how things are done there.  Rather than relying only on what I find published, I am looking for firsthand accounts from teachers in the classroom.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! -Tricia

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  • Hi Tricia,
    If you send me a list of questions, I could ask teachers overseas to respond. Will that be helpful to you?

    • Yes! That would be great! I am interested in the following:

      What determines the curriculum (local, state or national mandates) and what does the curriculum generally consist if at the equivalent of the Unites State's elementary and middle school?
      How much autonomy do teachers have in the classroom?
      How much of an emphasis is placed on standardized assessment as a means of measuring successful teaching?
      What is the typical composition of the average classroom? Are students of mixed ability placed in one setting or are students tracked by ability or interest?

      Thank you! -Tricia
      • Tricia, I think most of the overseas teachers may have problems answering questions about the U.S. curriculum. As to the curriculum, they come from the national Ministry of Education. Teachers have very little autonomy and the standardized tests measure student's ability, not successful teaching. As to the composition of classrooms, that varies. I can send your last question to the teachers, but how can they contact you?

        • Anna,

          Sorry! I have been sick and took a break from checking the educational nings which I have recently joined. I must say that getting the hang of becoming involved in this and checking on a regular basis is throwing me for a loop! Thank you for your offer of assistance, but I have actually located an individual who was able to assist me. I love that people in this online community are so willing to help others in the education field. Thanks again! -Tricia
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