Your Name and Title: Emily Longenecker, Program Associate

Title: Beyond Travel: Strategies for Using Blogs to Enhance International Professional Development Experiences

School or Organization Name:  IREX

Co-Presenter Name(s): Kristin Laboe, Program Coordinator

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  Washington, DC, United States

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers; especially teachers who travel for professional development

Short Session Description (one line): This session will focus on the strategies for using blogs to engage teachers and students during international professional development and experiential learning programs for teachers.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

IREX implements the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.  One component of the multi-phased Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (TGC) for U.S. secondary school teachers is a two-week international fellowship.  This travel experience is combined with a pre-travel online course on globalizing educational practice as well as global education symposia with a network of TGC teachers from all over the U.S. before and after international travel.

While TGC participants travel in the context of a larger professional development program, this session will focus on different strategies for using blogs as tools to enhance teacher professional development and student learning outcomes which are applicable across different travel experiences that teachers may engage in.  The session will look at blogs as places for reflective practice, a mode of bringing your classroom with you on the travel experience, and a space to connect classrooms around the world.  The session will also touch on some considerations to be mindful about when using blogs, especially in the classroom.


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