Your Name and Title:  
Benjamin Curran  5th Grade Teacher / Educational Consultant

Library, School, or Organization Name:
Engaging Educators

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Detroit, Michigan USA

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience(s):
K-12 teachers and K-12 librarians

Short Session Description (one line):
How To Start and Run a 21st Century  Book Club

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Book clubs are terrific for discussing great literature for kids and for getting them excited about books. But what if you could expand the boundaries of your book club, inviting students from other schools in other parts of the country or across the globe? This is sure to increase student engagement and raise the level of the discussion.

In this session, you’ll learn how to connect with other schools and classrooms via various social networks, how to set up a home page for your book club using wikispaces, how to hold interactive discussions using edmodo, Skype, and other tools, and how to incorporate web 2.0 tools into club activities.

I’ll also be sharing real examples that I’ve used with my own students so you’ll see how easy and exciting it can be!

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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