Title: Helping Learners Develop Personal Learning Networks

Your Name and Title: Dr. Bernard Bull, Assistant Vice President of Academics & Associate Professor of Educational Design & Technology

School or Organization Name: Concordia University Wisconsin

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Wisconsin, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: US English

Target Audience(s): P-20 Educators and Administrators

Short Session Description (one line): Come explore how to help learners develop worldwide personal learning networks that cultivate the important mindset and skill set of self-directed learning and collaboration across networks.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

In this session, we will consider how to help learners develop personal learning networks with people, communities around resources around the world. While personal learning networks are often discussed as important for teachers to develop, they are also valuable for learners as they discover the power of self-directed learning and building meaningful worldwide connections. Such networks helps students expand their view of the world, discover the power of networked living and learning in a global age, and provides them with an opportunity to cultivate rich and meaningful connections with a diverse network of people and communities. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: www.etale.org 

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