Your Name and Title: Valerie Burton, English Language Arts Teacher
School or Organization Name: West Jefferson High School
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New Orleans, LA U.S A.
Language: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers (all levels)
Short Session Description (one line): I challenge you to try out a tool/resource, share it with your students and publish your products.
Full Session Description: Our scholars need creative outlets to demonstrate their understanding of text and by working together we can provide them with an online classroom that has no walls or no limitations so that they can show off what they know.
Here’s the challenge – how can we create a classroom that experiments with tech tools, shares best practices and displays student work samples?
Possible answer - teachers can participate in regular quickfire challenges that require them to try out a tech tool and then incorporate it into the classroom.
Our scholars deserve the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge by creating blogs, Thinglinks, videos, Padlets, Smores, photo stories, podcasts, etc. Our Quickfire Challenges allow teachers to play with tools that encourage our students to connect, create and collaborate. Help me create a community of Teachers and students who are using tech tools / resources to discuss text read in class.
Our participation in these quickfire challenges would allow us to work together to refine our practice and share student work. Tools/Resources will have a three week rotation period. Week one - we learn about the tool and try it out on our own. During weeks two-three, we incorporate this new tool into our classrooms, share the student products and celebrate our successes. We can share their work with one another and expose their brilliance to an online authentic audience using #Comments4Kids and #QFireC.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Our scholars need creative outlets to demonstrate their understanding of text.
Please review the mission of our conference: Our event is focused global collaboration; this is not a general education or ed tech conference.
We would like you to edit your proposal and add language that ties your ideas more directly to our mission. To edit your proposal, go to the OPTIONS button in the upper right hand corner of this page, and edit the proposal. When you’ve completed this step, please send me a message and I’ll review it again.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
Valerie -
I still do not see direct evidence referring to global collaboration and our mission in your proposal. Please edit this and re-submit by Friday, November 13th.
Our Mission