Tonight, while leafing through my disintegrating childhood copy of Richard Scarry's Busy, Busy World now beloved by my own children, I had an idea. Perhaps this has been done elsewhere, but I thought it would be useful to compile a list of books around global education for both adults and children. Wouldn't it be great to have a list of children's books that might be helpful when studying other cultures , journal articles for administrators contemplating 21st Century teaching and learning initiatives, or a compilation of curriculum resources for world language teachers? I could expand on the possibilities, but I imagine you can all think of the kinds of bibliographies you'd like to see. This idea led me to the perfect summer project for Global Education Collaborative members. Take a few minutes and add YOUR selections to this Google form. Fill it in as best you can; if you don't know all the publication information, that's fine. Then, check out the list as it grows in this "">Google spreadsheet. You can even download it and sort it as needed for your own personal use. I've added a few entries just to get started, so the list is not long yet, but stay tuned as GEC members contribute to this project. Let me know if you have any questions! Lucy

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  • Hello

    It's not really a 'bibliography' but the Global Dimension Website is an online searchable database of teaching resources for 'the world in your classroom'. It has been set up with funding from the UK government, so is primarily targetted at UK teachers but is of use to anyone with an interest in global education. It is managed by DEA, a UK charity promoting global learning. You can search according to the subject you teach or the particular topic you are interested in, or you can also browse through 'background material' for the more academic stuff.

    Apologies for this shameless plug for the website but I thought it was quite relevant to this topic.

    Moira Jenkins
    Schools Communications Manager, DEA.
    • Co-Chair
      This looks awesome! I can't wait to check it out! Thanks, Moira!
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