Your Name and Title: Effie Kyrikakis, International Program Co-ordinator
School or Organization Name: Winners Education Language Schools
Co-Presenter Name(s): Το be announced
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Athens, Greece
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers, School Leaders, Librarians
Short Session Description: Building global collaboration projects that help our students develop essential 21st century skills
Full Session Description: Education has finally got the cue: Change is needed in the way we teach if we are to maintain student's fleeting interest and prepare them adequately for their lives in a rapidly changing world. For a number of reasons, critical success skills are quite different from those 10, even 5 years ago and will keep changing:
-Knowledge is abundant and can be attained with one –or maybe a few more- clicks. What we need to focus on as teachers is help our students learn to evaluate it, becoming critical thinkers.
-In a rapidly changing economy, it is evident that the successful candidate will have to be flexible and knowledgeable of international cultures, to embrace change and pluralism. They need to develop grit and love for learning because they will have to be perpetual learners.
-Our planet resources are currently being depleted at 2.5 times the rate they can be replenished. If the trend isn’t reversed fast, our students will have no planet to live on when they become adults.
How can we facilitate student learning and development to address such complicated issues and prepare students for a challenging future? The answer is simple, fun and extremely effective: Global Projects!
In this presentation we’ll explore examples on how Global Projects can be used to leverage change in our students’ attitudes while at the same time addressing the cognitive needs of a classroom.
We’ll also explore ideas on effective International Program organization by school leaders.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Hi Effie,
I am really interested in global collaborative projects and also think we can all benefit from them. Luckily, we do not have much time difference, so I am going to join your presentation.
Best wishes with your session!
Tatyana Chernaya, Moscow, Russia
Hi Tatyana!
I'm so happy you can make it!
Can't wait to share what we've learnt through our global journey
See you on Friday!