Your Name and Title: Sylvia Wong, Education Program Manager
School or Organization Name: Concern Worldwide US - Global Concerns Classroom
Co-Presenter Name: Amanda Ruckel, Education Officer
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York City, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Secondary level educators (grades 5-12), classroom and after school settings
Short Session Description: This session will provide an overview of the resources and student engagement programs that Global Concerns Classroom (GCC) provides to foster global competency in US youth.
Full Session Description: Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization working in 26 of the least developed countries in emergency response and development. Global Concerns Classroom (GCC) is the US-based global education program of Concern Worldwide US. GCC provides quality classroom resources (flexible global issue guides, student-narrated videos, themed unit plans that are aligned with Common Core standards) to raise awareness of global issues in US secondary schools. GCC also facilitates student workshops and after school clubs to foster awareness and action around global poverty issues. Ultimately, GCC aims to inspire youth to become active global citizens. This session will provide educators with resources and ideas to incorporate global issues into classroom curriculum and after school programming. Tangible examples of lesson plans and student action will be given.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: