Your Name and Title: Heike Philp
School or Organization Name: let's talk online sprl
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Brussels, Belgium
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Language educators
Short Session Description (one line): Create your own animated 3D videos (machinima)
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Moving pictures, sound and stories are the most powerful way of communicating learning content, and CAMELOT, a newly granted EU funded project takes up the challenge of video as a new language of learning and purposes to train and equip language teachers to produce visually appealing authentic conversations. In this presentation, Heike Philp, co-initiator of EU-funded LANCELOT, AVALON and CAMELOT projects illustrates how language teaching and learning meets new challenges in virtual environments and how language educators mastering those challenges are empowered to create machinima.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Hi Heike! Good to see your proposal here. Can you do me favor? Please add some language to this that ties your proposed topic to the development of global compentency, global awareness etc?
See our mission and strands for inspiration:
If you would like to me to review your proposal again, please make revisions by November 17th at 9 PM Central (GMT-6). Then, email me at to let me know your proposal is ready for another look.
Make sure to review our documentation and align your proposal to our goals: