Your Name and Title: Mariko Eguchi, Professor

School or Organization Name: University of Shimane

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Japan

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): High School and University teachers

Short Session Description (one line): This presentation describes a Skype session aimed at intervening the negative perception of Japanese toward China and reports the results of the educational intervention.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): According to the 2014 Japanese Cabinet Office statistics, China is the least favorite country for the Japanese as the political tension between
China and Japan has been frequently reported by Japanese mass media. If the current perception continues, it will form negative stereotypes of Chinese, which will interfere the prosperity of the nations.  This presentation intends to describe an educational intervention to change the Japanese high school students' perspectives toward China to positive ones. A one-off Skype meeting was conducted between Chinese college students and Japanese high school students to talk about high school life. The high school students answered the questionnaire before and after the session.  The Japanese students had a positive experience with talking to the Chinese students and they not only overcame their prejudices, but also expressed respect and affection toward Chinese people and society. One-off cross-cultural Skype session effectively changed the perception of Japanese high school students toward China and Chinese people.

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  • Hope that I can attend this session, Mariko. Great to have you as a presenter. I am interested in how you found the Chinese connection. Our school teaches Chinese as a second language and we find it so hard to connect with technology with schools over there.

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