Name and Title: Paul Hurteau, Director
Organization Name: OneWorld Classrooms
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA, East Coast
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers, Art Teachers, Technology Teachers, Librarians, OST Coordinators, K-12 Principals
Short Session Description: Learn how your students can engage in curriculum-based conversations with their global peers through OneWorld Classrooms' new program, Classroom Conversations with the World.
Full Session Description: OneWorld Classrooms' Director Paul Hurteau will explain how K-12 teachers can involve their students in the new Classroom Conversations with the World program. Participating classes select a curricular theme, submit 'conversation starter files,' and are matched with a global partner class for an asynchronous VoiceThread conversation that follows specific guidelines. Through the program, participants share their cultures, explore their curricula and engage in active global citizenship together.
Websites/URLs Associated with Your Session:,,,