Your Name and Title: Isaac Johnson, Internationally Certified Educational Training Consultant
School or Organization Name: Forward Moving Education, Inc
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers and Administrators
Short Session Description (one line): The most unchallenged assumption in education today is children are coming to school knowing how to behave and ready to learn.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
- The successful, achieving student: Matching expectations to classroom behavior.
Gain hours of instruction time using strategies and techniques to increase your student learning contact. Learn how to “match expectations” to “classroom behavior” so that every student becomes an achiever.
2. Yes you can! Successful teacher-student interaction strategies for every classroom.
You care, that’s the bottom line for every teacher worldwide. Learn effective, up-front strategies and techniques for your classroom that nurtures every student. Yes you can lower disciplinary referrals. You can leave at the end of the day energized that you are a teacher.
3. It’s you or your tube! Strengthening learning effectiveness so that you are not a news story.
4. What happened? How to avoid crying in the teacher’s lounge.
5. Here’s your easy button. Easy strategies for winning classroom behavior.
Teaching in today’s social climate is getting harder year after year. Children are overwhelmed trying to figure things out. Administrators are overloaded with the constraints of paperwork, budgets, and test scores.
It’s no wonder that easy is not easy anymore. But easy can be easy again when you know systematically what to do.
Learn easy, proven techniques to control classroom behavior. Master easy, strategies that will structure excellence for every student in your classroom.
Winning classroom behavior can be taught! Creating a safe, nurturing learning environment in your classroom is easy when you know exactly what to do. Learn how to win, no gimmicks allowed.
School is not a battle zone…. Combat is never a discipline option….
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Hi Isaac -
I'm not sure how your proposal relates to our mission. We're really about creating collaborative opportunities for connecting classrooms. Also, if you are promoting the services of a company, then youll need to be a sponsor of the conference.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair