Your Name and Title:Eric Simons, Founder & CEO of Claco

Organization Name:Claco

Country from Which You Will Present:USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience:K-12 educators

Short Session Description: Claco is a free tool for educators to collaboratively develop their curriculum online, while also building their PLN.

Long Session Description: Are you having trouble engaging students in your class? Does it take too much time to find interesting resources on the web? Claco is an online platform for educators to collaboratively develop their curriculum by sharing digital binders full of web links, documents, videos, and more. We currently have a vibrant group of educators sharing resources on Claco, and are looking to add more awesome teachers (like you!) to build our global community. In this session, I'll be talking about our aim to help educators easily find relevant and engaging resources, and I'll also demo this free tool for educators!

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Additional proposal materials are required for the GETideas strand at the Global Education Conference. Please review our documentation and make sure you submit these items to EdSurge by Sunday, November 4th at 9 AM CT, GMT-6. This is a firm deadline if you'd like to be considered for this event.

    If you have already submitted ALL of the items to Tony at EdSurge, please ignore this.

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