Your Name and Title:  Shelly D Gooden

M.A. Information Technology Management

Doctoral Learner Capella University

Online Instructor

School or Organization Name:  Capella University

Co-Presenter Name(s): None

 Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Utah, United States

 Language in Which You Will Present: English

 Target Audience(s): Online Educators with globally diverse student populations, International Educators

 Short Session Description (one line):  

 How to tame the digital divide dragon with tools you can find laying around the web.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

What is the digital divide and how is it impacting the students in our course room? 

What can we do to bridge this divide?

How do we make sure learners from around the globe feel they are a vital part of your course rooms?

Overcoming challenges faced by differences in time zone, available technology, and culture. Using technology educators can create a culture of inclusion in online course environments no matter how wide spread the student population may be.  Creative use of existing technology can help.  Another key element to success is communication with learners.  Online learners are resourceful and creative.  They will reach toward the instructor and the institution if a multicultural environment is on the other side of the digital divide to in their course rooms.  Educators can help learners achieve incredibly positive outcomes in the face of challenging circumstances.

 Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Thank you so much for your session proposal for the 2011 Global Education Conference! We're please to let you know that your submission has been accepted! Your proposal is now in the "accepted proposals" list on the website. Here are some important tasks for you.

    1. Because we have sessions being presented from all different time zones, as a speaker you actually schedule your own session time at This allows you to see the available slots and to pick something that works within your time zone, work schedule, or other constraints. We're quite proud of how this works, as it is one of the benefits of a virtual conference, but if you should fun into any difficulties finding a time that works for you, email Steve directly (

    We encourage you to do this quickly, as proposals are being reviewed in the order in which they were submitted, so your priority for selecting a session time depends on you scheduling right away. When you do select you time, be sure that the scheduling system has the correct time zone for you! To schedule your session, you should open to your presentation proposal (you can do a search on your name to find it, or click on "My Page" in the top menu and then click on the "discussion" link on the left side to find it). Open the session booking link from above in another tab. You will find it easiest to copy the information from one to the other rather than re-type it. Once completed, you will receive an email confirmation of your booking.

    2. As a speaker, you need to make sure you are a member of the conference "speakers group" on the network website. Most of our announcements to speakers will be sent to the members of this group, so as not to email all site members. Join the group (or check to make sure you're already a member) at

    3. Speakers are responsible for knowing how to use Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). We will have a cadre of volunteers on hand during the conference to help with any issues, but you need to go through the moderator training for Collaborate if you are not a seasoned user. There are a variety of training resources at the Collaborate website, and we are also holding six live one-hour training sessions (don't worry, attending any one will be be enough--we just wanted you to have several time choices for attending. All the relevant information is at Please look at this page soon.

    Again, we are so delighted to have you participating in the 2011 Global Education Conference. Thank you!


    Gayle Berthiaume North America Co-Chair, The 2011 Global Education Conference
  • Thanks for your submission to present at the 2011 Global Education Conference. Your proposal looks promising, but could benefit from some additional language that ties your work to the conference theme of global collaboration. Your proposed session may imply global collaborations and connections, but we need to see more explanation of how your work ties into our mission.  The conference seeks to present ideas, examples and initiatives related to connecting educators and classrooms around the world with an emphasis on promoting global awareness and instilling global competency in students. This is not a general education conference nor a technology conference. Please review your submission and adjust accordingly, so that participants clearly understand how your work fits into the mission of the conference.
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