Your Name and Title:  Daila Boufford, Director of Professional Development

School or Organization Name:  American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  Lancaster, PA, United States

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Secondary Teachers

Short Session Description (one line):This session will address the role of social learning in education and best practices on how to implement social learning practices within professional development.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Social learning occurs when individuals connect, share and learn from each other.  It is not dependent on an organized activity or structured outline.  The only thing needed for social learning is an individual who is proactive about what they want to learn.  This session will address the behaviors and attitudes behind the social learning movement and why it matters more than ever in today’s workplace.  With a specific focus on educators, who are often isolated from their peers, the presentation will discuss opportunities that arise from being an active participant in social learning and how this can lead to a better connection with students.  Within any structured setting, there will be challenges to implementation – intrinsic barriers, lack of organization acceptance and an ever evolving methodology.  However, the benefits far outweigh the risks once you develop a clear understanding of participant goals.  Best practices will be addressed as well as several interactive activities that will encourage participants to start their social learning journey during the presentation.

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  • Co-Chair

    If you would like for your proposal to be considered for this year’s conference, please make the previously suggested edits and email me at to let me know you’re ready for another review. Changes to proposals need to be made by November 15, 2014.


    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair

  • Co-Chair

    Hi Daila - 

    Can you please edit your proposal and additional language that will tie your proposal to the mission of our conference? I think social learning is an important part of what many community members are doing here, and I'd like to see you elaborate on the global implications.


    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair

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