Your Name and Title: Don Goble - Multimedia Instructor
School or Organization Name: Ladue School District
Co-Presenter Name(s): NA
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: St. Louis, MO, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): K-20
Short Session Description (one line): This session will discuss positive student media messages, the power of social media, and connecting our student's stories with the world by sharing student media with the Global Student News Network (GSNN.)
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
The Global Student News Network is a platform for the global student community to share their voices, stories, and ideas. We believe students all over the world should create media messages using powerful storytelling techniques that they have acquired throughout their years. We believe student media projects need to be seen by the masses worldwide, so #GSNN is here to promote your positive media messages all across the globe. This session will discuss the purpose of GSNN, share stories that have been submitted all over the world, and bring forth a call to action for all students, in any part of the world, to share their work on social media and the GSNN website.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
There was another good journalism session tonight... Robin Worley was the presenter. I told her about you. Maybe you all connect.
Yes I would love Robin's info. I will look her up as well.
Don, this session looks fascinating! I know some people who run a news network from their school. They would love to connect. I advised them to tune into your session for ideas. Looking forward to it!
Kyle Wagner
Thanks Kyle! I'll be excited to connect and hopefully feature some of their student work.
Don, feel free to involve your students in presenting, too. Just a thought... people always love to see kids getting involved.