Your Name and Title:
Laura Greenstein, Ed.D., Founder, Assessment Network, Teacher, Department Chair, School Board Member, Adjunct Professor, Author
School or Organization Name: East Lyme Schools
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: East Lyme, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, School Administrators
Short Session Description (one line): Extending Core Standards into the 21st Century
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Content knowledge by itself is no longer sufficient for today's students. Extending core foundational skills by merging them with 21st century skills has become an essential and enduring outcome of learning. There are many touchpoints in a global context where this can happen.
Educators who are interested in this ideas will discover ways to extend teaching and learning so it habitually uses both sets of skills and knowledge and incorporates global connections and perspectives.
It starts with a straightforward three part model of 21st century skills. Then selected standards from core learning (in multiple countries) will be identified. These two concepts will be woven together through strategies and exemplars that extend core into the 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, and global understanding. For example, a core lesson on "describe statistical distributions" become a lesson on using data to portray the mathematical profile of the 7 billionth person. Another example, a core lesson on "using texttual evidence to support claims" turns into a global summit on world hunger.
Attendees will take away a model for using this strategy in all classrooms and content areas.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
The deadline for submitting your revisions to this proposal is November 7, 2011 at 5 PM CST or 23:00 UTC. Email Lucy Gray at if you make changes and need your proposal reviewed again.
We will not accept revisions after this time. If you choose not to revise, we appreciate your ideas and we hope you'll consider applying next year.
Lucy- Revisions are posted.
Here's an adjustment to the Full Session Description: I couldn't change it in the discussion above, nor find the original submission on your site- please let me know how to do this. Thanks!
Content knowledge by itself is
no longer sufficient for today's students. Extending core foundational
skills by merging them with 21st century skills has become an
essential and enduring outcome of learning. Educators who are interested in
this idea will discover ways to extend teaching and learning so it habitually
incorporates both sets of skills and knowledge. All of this needs to be
accomplished in the context of global awareness and connectedness.
We’ll start with a straightforward three part model of 21st
century skills. Then selected standards from core learning (in multiple
countries) will be identified. These two concepts will be woven together through
strategies and exemplars that blend core with selected 21st century
skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and global understanding. For
example, a core lesson on “describe statistical distributions” becomes a lesson
on using data to portray the mathematical profile of the 7 billionth person. In
another example, a core lesson on “use textual evidence to support claims”, turns
into a global exchange program on solving world hunger. Through these types of
extensions students will be more engaged citizens, connect to others around the
globe, and engaged in authentic learning in a global context.
Attendees will take away a model for using this strategy
in all classrooms and content areas.
Laura -
You can edit your own proposal by going to the OPTIONS button and editing the discussion. Please email me when you're finished editing your proposal. I need this completed by end of business on Monday.
Lucy Gray