Your Name and Title:

Melanie A. McCreary, Educator

School or Organization Name:


Co-Presenter Name(s):

Not Applicable

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  

Southeastern United States, North America

Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience(s):

The target audience for this presentation are primary and secondary teachers , student success/first year college preparation professors and higher education career specialist.

Short Session Description (one line):

The focus of this presentation is to provide strategies and models for educators to help  create responsible global digital citizens in the technology age.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

The impact of technology on education cannot denied by an educator. The aim of this session is not arguing the benefits or cons of the role of technology in education, but rather to provide strategies for educators helping to create responsible global digital citizens. The definition of digital citizenship is commonly known as “norms of behavior with regard to technology use."1  The topic of digital citizenship has been discussed often in the last ten years with the creation and expansion of social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram.  However, the role of educators in creating responsible digital citizens and how one is to go about implementing strategies is often limited to the realm of anti-bullying and safety campaigns for primary and secondary students.  The focus of this presentation is to provide strategies to help create lifelong global digital citizens.

The second half of this presentation continues the digital citizenship conversation with the focus becoming more geared to adult learners' role as digital citizens and how their digital profiles can shape their actual future. As with primary and secondary educators,  adult educators must consider shifting their focus to emphasizing and teaching digital responsibility through a global lens.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

None at this time (TBA)

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