Your Name and Title:  Susan Jacques Pierson, Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Education

ESL Program Coordinator

School or Organization Name:  Cabrini University

Co-Presenter Name(s):  Dr. Colleen Lelli, Associate Professor of Education, Cabrini University

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States

Language in Which You Will Present:  English

Target Audience(s): Teachers interested in making global connections

Short Session Description (one line):  We will share ways to use QR codes and tiny URLs in teaching and in supporting global educational partnerships.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Teachers engaged in global partnerships are finding ways to build bridges across miles and between cultures.  The use of technology has enabled students in grades K-12 in American schools to communicate with partners across the globe and for  teachers to collaborate across the miles.  Building and sustaining relationships is supported through the use of digital tools.  In our session, we will share ideas for using one such tool, QR codes to connect classrooms and students through texts, videos and shared experiences.  We currently have a partnership with ESL teachers in the Cabrini Schools in Argentina.  Last summer, students and professors spent three weeks working directly with Argentinian students and faculty.  This summer we will return to work in classrooms again. We have used QR codes to support our partnership and to share resources with the students in Argentina and look forward to sharing our ideas for ways other teachers can apply this idea in their own work.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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