Your Name and Title: Joyce Kasman Valenza, Teacher Librarian, Blogger
School, Library, or Organization Name: Springfield Township High School, School Library Journal
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Country from Which You Will Present: USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Librarians and Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): Curation strategies for teaching and learning
Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):
Curation belongs in the curriculum. It should be part of your school’s search toolkit, part of your collection development strategy, part of your professional development plan, part of your effective Web presence! Joyce will define curation as a learning strategy and discuss--what might be curated, the best new tools for curating, students as curators, the role of student work in curation, and using curation as an effective strategy for scaling your practice and flipping the classroom and library.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Curation is the new search: seven tools you may not know you can search with
Curation (School Library Monthly)
Hi Joyce! Would love to see you present here. Can you tie your proposal a bit to our mission?
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