Curriculum as a platform

Your Name and Title:

 Maria Droujkova

School or Organization Name:

 Math Future Group

Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:


Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience(s):

 Community and project leaders

Short Session Description (one line):

The paradigm shift toward curriculum as a platform, rather than a product.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):


In the session, I will use examples of mathematics education projects to talk about the paradigm shift toward curriculum as a platform, rather than a product. Curriculum as a platform has curated content created with an open API. The community of practice co-producing the system needs a flat structure: a distributed, fractal network.
Features of curriculum as a platform:
  • Materials are extensible, so users - students, study groups, developers - change them continuously
  • User groups are peer-to-peer partnerships or co-ops, helping everybody to contribute 
  • Contributions are transparent, acknowledged, honored and commented upon
  • Groups have tools for sustaining the flow by tracking individual tasks, time, and progress, possibly in playful ways
  • Tracking tools help creative, social and monetary economies of the system to stay sustainable
  • The platform has starter high-quality content: "killer apps" created on the platform
  • Ways to contribute are simple, open and creative: neither rocket science, nor worksheets
  • With special tools, users curate the content based on shared values within user groups: they make collections, distill most useful parts, sort, and tag

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair
    Thanks for your submission to present at the 2011 Global Education Conference. Your proposal looks promising, but could benefit from some additional language that ties your work to the conference theme of global collaboration. The conference seeks to present ideas, examples and initiatives related to connecting educators and classrooms around the world with an emphasis on promoting global awareness and instilling global competency in students. This is not a general education conference nor a technology conference. Please review your submission and adjust accordingly, so that participants clearly understand how your work fits into the mission of the conference.
    • Lucy, let me expand on the "examples" part and it will make clear that I am talking about a global issue. How about adding this:


      The examples will come from the global mathematics education network Math Future, where hundreds of educators from all over the world - community and project leaders - share and collaborate. In particular, I will focus on OER (Open Education Resource) projects, and how "curriculum as a platform" vision can help them.

      • Co-Chair

        That works! I know a lot of the presentations have global intentions, but it's not always clear in the descriptions. That's why I'm going around leaving my 2 cents. :) 


        Thanks Maria!


        • Thank you, Lucy! I appreciate the support!
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