Your Name and Title: (Mrs) Jess McCulloch


School or Organization Name: Laurimar Primary School


Co-Presenter Name(s): n/a


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Melbourne, Australia


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Teachers


Short Session Description (one line): The story of sharing lunch boxes with students from around the world in two different languages. 


Full Session Description (as long as you would like): The Lunch Box Project first ran in 2008 and again in 2011. The second wave of the project had students from Australia, Lebanon, the US, Canada, Jordan. Germany and Portugal sharing what they ate for lunch in two different languages. Images of lunches from all of these countries were put together to create a hook for the students and a wiki was used to have classes sharing. Another great aspect of the project was the value that it had for the teachers involved. The teachers blogged together and there was even a major issue of difference that threatened the project and had to be overcome. This session will cover how the project was put together, what worked really well, and what didn't work so well - lessons learned for next time!


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: and

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