Your Name and Title: Melda N. Yildiz, Teacher Educator, Global Scholar, Edupreneur
School or Organization Name: New York Institute of Technology
Co-Presenter Name(s): TBA
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): P12 Teachers, Teacher Educators, Teacher Candidates, Media Specialists, Librarians and Higher Ed Faculty
Short Session Description (one line):
Situated within the context of teacher education, this session outlines the transdisciplinary research in developing global competencies and critical thinking and 21st century skills among in-service teachers and educational technology coaches and showcases their transformative, inclusive, multilingual, multicultural projects across content areas. This research aims to advance scientific knowledge of Transformative Critical Pedagogy as a means to promote heutagogy through the lens of innovative technologies in global education context while redefining education and “transformative educator model- TEM.”
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
This session seeks to accomplish four main goals: (1) promoting transformative leadership, global literacy, and 21st century skills among teachers while providing cultural and linguistically responsive curriculum; (2) describing pre-service teachers’ reactions, discoveries, and experiences participating in Multilingual Multicultural Media projects across content areas (e.g. math, geography, cultural studies); (3) identifying innovative activities, exercises, and assessment strategies and tools that align with the local and national standards addressing Transformative Education, Global Competency, Media Literacy and 21st century skills; and (4) investigating the role of multiple literacies (e.g. information, technology, geography, media literacy) and the use of new technologies (mobile tools such as GPS, tablet PCs, robotics) in developing global competencies and 21st century skills among pre-service teachers.
This session was based on participatory action research method. Participants engaged in self-study while reflecting on innovative transformative curricula, assessment tools, and strategies for 21st Century teaching. The goal was to explore and outline innovative assessment tools, templates, and strategies to cultivate “transformative educator model” among pre-service teachers, to active thinking curriculum and to reflect on their own learning process.
As teacher education faculty, we self-studied to improve our practice by: 1) documenting our candidates’ discoveries, struggles and reflections on their journey in our classes; 2) challenging our teaching style and philosophy; and 3) trying to bring the theory into practice while pursuing innovative teaching models that would lead to positive pedagogical transformations.
This presentation will benefit college faculty and administrators who seek transformative and innovative strategies and tools for improving instruction, assessing students' work and for preparing new generations to be future “transformative leaders” and global citizens.
Conference participants will be able to:
· argue the challenges and advantages of social media in teacher education;
· introduce the use and the role of innovative technologies in developing global competencies, critical thinking and 21st century skills among teachers;
· showcase their transdisciplinary projects across content areas (e.g. math, geography, cultural studies, world languages);
· demonstrate creative strategies and possibilities for engaging pre-service teachers in project-based globally connected activities integrating new media and technologies;
· investigate the use and the power of innovative technologies and online resources such as MOOCs, wikibook projects and interactive games as a means to promote heutagogy among pre-service teachers,
· outline the best practices, assessment tools, and curriculum models that promote transformative and heutagogical teaching models.