Your Name and Title: Cornelia Platon, Adobe Youth Voices Lead Educator
School or Organization Name: "Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania
Co-Presenter Name(s): Rimma Zhukova, Adobe Youth Voices course facilitator, Miass, Russia
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Europe, Asia
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Adobe Youth Voices educators
Short Session Description (one line): Presentation of Adobe Youth Voices program, our expertise, show cases, examples of good practice
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Adobe Youth Voices is an educational program which empowers youth to use technology to explore and express their perspectives on subjects of interest for them and their communities. Youth aged 13 to 18 create videos, animations, photo essays, posters, music, etc, that reflect their perspectives to critical issues and bring their solutions to solving major problems. The main objective of it is to develop the students’ abilities of “creating with purpose.”
Through Adobe Youth Voices, educators and youth have easy access to valuable training, training, mentoring, online collaboration, helpful education materials, exhibitions, and software donations from Adobe.
Different countries have different experience about the program and the teachers’ successfully integrate it into curriculum (languages, computer sciences, social sciences, etc). The presenters will share their expertise in integrating the program in/out classroom activities. They will show the AYV educators how they can develop students’ skills and competences in expressing themselves in creative ways, using the new technologies and Adobe software making media outcomes in different formats. The presenters will share show cases and examples of the best outcomes made by students in their countries.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
This is a duplicate. Why did two different people submit the same proposal? Please delete to avoid confusion!
Hi Lucy,
I tried to delete my proposal but failed. Which button to click to delete it? Please help me.
Rimma Zhukova
Now I did it. I was able to delete my discussion. Sorry for inconvience.
Hi Nelly,
hope the presentation will be useful and interesting for global educators.
Hi Rimma,
I hope this as well, we will invite of our AYV educators as well. First we must see if our proposal call will be accepted, as it is still on the waiting list. :)