Your Name and Title:  Kristina Daluddung, Instructional Coach and Co-Founder of Smart ELD

School or Organization Name:  Smart ELD

Co-Presenter Name(s):  Ashlee Drady and Heather Meesey

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  California, United States

Language in Which You Will Present:  English

Target Audience(s):  teachers and coaches

Short Session Description (one line):  Using differentiation strategies to make content accessible to all students.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

An interactive session that puts differentiation strategies for English language learners across content areas into practice. Participants will experience the teaching strategies in action by engaging in lesson demonstrations, as well as receive information on why these strategies are essential. Topics covered will also include lesson planning with language and content objectives, differentiating in core classes, differentiated assignments and grading. The session will be led by 3 dynamic English language learner teachers/coaches from the linguistically diverse Bay Area of California, who frequently present for one of the largest school districts in the San Jose area.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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