Your Name and Title: Princess Ann B. Digneneng
School or Organization Name: University of the Philippines
Co-Presenter Name(s): Lester Buenaventura
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Philippines
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers and Students
Short Session Description (one line): This session will tackle about Digital Divide and Its Effect to Teaching and Learning Processes
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
During the past decade, "digital divide," or the widening gap between the technological "haves" and "have nots" was a really big issue globally. Many said that this gap will become even wider after few years and that significant numbers of poor peoples and nations will be left behind in the revolution in information technology. In this session, the effects of digital divide in the teaching and learning processes will be discussed specifically in the Philippine setting.
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