Digiteen Dream Team

Your Name and Title: Vicki Davis, Teacher, Westwood Schools co-founder Flat Classroom Projects and Digiteen Project


School or Organization Name: Westwood Schools 9th grade class as part of the DigiteenProject


Co-Presenter Name(s): 9th Grade Class at Westwood Schools in Camilla, GA

(Depending upon the time, other Digiteens and their teachers may join us from the 20+ other classrooms around the world.)


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA (Georgia)


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): High School, Middle School students, teachers, and parents.


Short Session Description (one line): Digiteens ACT to teach digital citizenship to others.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Digiteens are students who are well educated in digital citizenship and teach others how to be good digital citizens. Joining 600+ other students from around the world, peek into a massive global collaborative research project and the actions that were created by the students to improve digital citizenship in their local classroom. (Depending upon the time, other digiteens may join us.)


This project kicked off on September 20 within Edmodo, moved to a research wiki, and culmiinized in "glocal" action where students think globally and act locally. Their projects will be determined in late October and presented at the conference.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: www.digiteen.org

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