Your Name and Title: David Hart, Manager, Library Services

School, Library, or Organization Name:Study Group Australia

Co-Presenter Name(s):-

Country from Which You Will Present:Australia

Language in Which You Will Present:English

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.):Teachers, students, administrators, librarians

Short Session Description (one line): Training educators and students in online research using a variety of different sources of information from validated sources.

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): Training educators and students in online research using a variety of different sources of information from validated sources. Teaching and training educators and students in different sessions to maximise their ability to leverage validated sources and to search in an effective manner for peer reviewed research.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Just want to make sure you are aware of the description for the GETIdeas strand and the additional requirements?

    Innovation Perspectives with GETideas 

    If this is not your intended strand, please change your tag. See the call for proposals for all the tag options.

    • Co-Chair

      Okay, next question.... how does your proposal relate to our mission? Can you please elaborate on any global connections and collaborations? Please read this carefully: Mission Statement. If you can edit your proposal by Friday (go to the OPTIONS button) and provide more focus on global, then I'd be happy to review this again. 


      Lucy Gray

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