Earth Day 09

I am searching for new and interesting lesson ideas for Earth Day. The twist is we have to incorporate a 25 foot inflatable globe classroom. We've done a lot of lessons on geography, ecosystems, etc. before so i'm looking for something exciting. I'm attaching a picture of the balloon. Please send me any thoughts. Thanks!


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  • Hi Jennifer,

    The successful earthcast 24 hour webcastathon will be back again for earth day 2008. Some of our work from last year's 24 hour webcast is posted online at at: Last year we broadcast in 5 different languages with representation from several countries and continents.

    We're looking for students/teachers/anyone to take hour long blocks to host a conversation centering around the theme of earth day. We'll post more information on this event in the near future.


    Matt Montagne
    Palo Alto, CA
    Earthcast08 Team Member
  • There is a campaign asking everyone to do one thing to make the earth a better place. I suggest sending an email to a class, stating your class's pledge of the one thing you plan on doing in your classroom, and then ask the recipient of the email to pledge one thing and forward the email to another classroom and return the email back to your class. Perhaps these emails would make it around the world. The students could mark on the globe with string the e-mails, the school's location, and one thing that will make the world a better place. This would integrate technology, social studies benchmarks, and math measurement benchmarks , and more.
  • Co-Chair
    Hi Jennifer -

    Have you seen the Earth Day Groceries Project? We did this at my previous school and I thought it was a simple, effective collaborative project.

    I'll keep my eyes open for other ideas as well. Now is the time to plan for something next April. If you come up with other project ideas, let us know and maybe people will join in!

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