Your Name and Title:
Magaly Pineda- Executive Director
School, Library, or Organization Name:
Centro de Investigacion para la Accion Femenina (CIPAF) -
Research Center for Feminist Action
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Country from Which You Will Present:
Dominican Republic
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Educators, administrators, people interested in overcoming sexism in education.
Short Session Description (one line):
Share strategies to promote increased and sustained interest among girls and adolescent girls in math, science and technology, as well as to provide early career guidance promoting increased numbers of women in technology careers, in middle school as well as in university.
Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):
Share the experience of a project aimed to address girls’ retention in school by strengthening self-awareness and encouraging and guiding girls and adolescents in technical and professional careers to ensure rapid and well-paid job placement.
The clubs work in 6 public schools in the Dominican Republic in sectors with a high rate of teen pregnancy. Currently there are more than 200 girls participating in the clubs at school, the girls in 6th through 8th grade participate in Basic Education e-Chicas clubs and in Supermáticas participate students from 1st to 4th of high school.
The girls participate in extracurricular activities to improve their skills in subjects traditionally considered not "own" by women as mathematics, science and technology, strengthen their self-esteem, receive sexual education and have opportunities to learn technical offers in non-traditional careers, and have a cultural exchange with professional women in the area.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: