Your Name and Title:  Theresa Allen, Educator Virtual PD Series

School, Library, or Organization Name:  Hello Little World Skypers Group, Global Educators

Co-Presenter Name(s):  TBA - unknown at this time

Country from Which You Will Present:  USA

Language in Which You Will Present:  English

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Teachers

Short Session Description (one line):  Virtual professional development presented by teachers around the world to help foster global collaboration for other classroom teachers.

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):  A live workshop was developed over the summer to present over 10 tools teachers have used effectively in the classroom for teachers' PLN and help foster global collaboration. The teachers who presented are globally connected educators who shared their time and talent in the 3-hour workshop in August.  This workshop was presented through a Google Hangout and follow up sessions are presented monthly through Blackboard Collaborate and Google Hangout.  The educators regularly communicate through their skype group, Hello Little World Skypers and teach or have taught in K-12 schools around the world.  

This group of connected educators share similar values and passions:  to connect themselves and their students globally, and to model and foster global digital citizenship.  Their goal is to prepare their students for 21st century productivity and are willing to show other educators how they do this in the classroom.

The tools presented were:  Edmodo, Socrative, Google Sites, Skype in the Classroom, Twitter, Google Earth, Google Forms, Google Sketchup, IWB Resources and Khan Academy.  A recorded session on ThingLink was also available.  To date, two follow up sessions were presented for Edmodo and Socrative in September and Google Sites and Skype in October.  More presentations will be scheduled in the months ahead.  These tools help foster communication and collaboration on a global basis.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Theresa, your presentations have been very helpful and encouraging to all the participant teachers. I'm sure this one will also be quite successful! Best of luck!  

    • Co-Chair

      Effie, this is a presentation given last year! :)

      • That's what happens when you try to work late at night! Thanks Lucy!

  • Best of luck to a true global educator and friend. 

    • Thank you David - back at you!

  • Good luck Theresa,

        I will try to pop in on the session if I can.  You always have great tips and good resources.


    • Thanks, Helen!

  • Hi Theresa,

    I hope I will be able to join your session. I can always learn something useful at your sessions.


    • It will be great to see you, Tatyana.

  • All the best with this session, Theresa. I have a class then, but will try and logon. It might be of interest to my class as well. They are 16 and 17 years of age and make up my year 11 IT class. There are only four of them left at school. What do you think?

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