Name and Title: Helaine W. Marshall, Professor of Education and Director of Language Education Programs
School or Organization Name: Long Island University-Hudson, USA
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Educators of students ages 12-18
Short Session Description (one line): Learn about a new iEARN project based on students viewing and discussing contemporary feature films across national boundaries
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
This cross-cultural project introduces high school students from the OKE Language School in Berkane, Morocco to students from John Handley High School in Winchester, Virginia, USA for a collaborative international film club. The students view the same films in their respective schools and then discuss them online in forums prepared by their teachers to prompt in-depth exchanges about the films’ themes and messages. In addition, students complete posted activities both before and after viewing the film, and they respond to surveys about their participation in the project. Live sessions were organized in real time for guest speakers to respond to student questions.
For the Moroccan students, this was excellent practice for their English and an opportunity to get to know North American students their age. For the students in Virginia, this was a chance to interact with a very different culture and broaden their horizons.
Learn about the project and, if you are interested, you will be able to contact us to have your students matched with students in a school in another country.