Your Name and Title: Raymond Pun, First Year Student Success Librarian
School or Organization Name: California State University, Fresno
Co-Presenter Name(s): Kenya Flash, Yale University
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: U.S.
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): educators, librarians, activists, and students
Short Session Description (one line): Gender-neutral bathrooms, gender inclusive bathrooms, unisex bathrooms and other similar public restrooms have caused controversy, particularly in certain regions in the U.S.: this presentation will explore selected cases of library promotion of gender neutral/inclusive and unisex bathrooms, and the learning opportunities and challenges presented in these contested spaces in the U.S. and beyond.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Libraries must and should remain inclusive, providing a safe space for all. The presentation will explore several case studies to illustrate how libraries support welcoming, open spaces that encourage inclusivity, access and diversity in their communities, particularly through general-neutral bathrooms. The presentation will address questions such as: what kind of lessons can we learn from these cases in promoting gender neutral/inclusive bathrooms and how might other libraries consider these developments in their own institutions and in the profession at large, globally.
Can you add at least one of the conference tags outlined in the call for proposals to your proposal? Let me know when you've made this change.
Lucy Gray
Thanks, Lucy! Just added it.