Your Name and Title:

School or Organization Name: ÖZYEĞİN UNIVERSITY

Co-Presenter Name(s): NONE

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: TURKEY

Language in Which You Will Present: ENGLISH

Target Audience(s):  ELT PROFESSIONALS

Short SessionDescription (one line): Use of student and teacher generated podcasts for ELT

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): This session aims to model the application of podcasts in language education at university level and discusses the potential benefits of this web tool.  Students’ attitudes and motivation towards this application reveal that podcasts can optimize language learning and learner autonomy, both within and outside the classroom.  Rapid advances in technology have enabled to expand the borders of the classroom and initiate technology blended language
learning that is fun and motivating for students. One of the tools of Web 2.0, namely podcasting, was initially intended to convey information and entertainment, but language teachers have soon discovered its potential for benefitting language practice, especially with regard to developing learners‘
speaking and listening skills. This session aims to discuss educational benefits and potential of podcasts for skills required in the Academia, and models the application of podcasts in a university setting.  The session aims at revealing how podcasts can be utilised in order to integrate EAP students’ real life skills, and outlines how this technological tool can help to promote critical thinking and
autonomous learning skills by presenting teacher and students created podcast.The presenter is going to model the application of podcasts as a receptive tool in order to activate learners’ schematic knowledge and provide them with extensive listening practice, as well as to foster speaking skills and practise
and revise language. Students’ attitudes and motivation towards working with podcasts
in language learning reflect that podcasts can optimize language learning and learner autonomy, both within and outside the classroom.

Websites / URLsAssociated with Your Session:


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